General enquiries


To become a Transnet supplier, please respond to the tender requirements as stipulated.

Ensure that all information is completed before submission with the requested documentation. Transnet will assess whether your business complies with certain preset standards which are required in order to supply certain items or services.

View Tenders

Regarding quotations, Transnet will normally approach at least 3 suppliers to quote for requirements or publish the requirement on this website and the eTender Publication portal.

Transnet does not have its own database of prospective suppliers. It makes use of National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (CSD).

In order to be eligible to participate in Transnet’s procurement processes, your company must be registered on the CSD. The CSD can be accessed below.

National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database

Publication of tender

When Transnet needs to procure goods, services or works, it does so through one of its procurement mechanisms, usually either an open tender process or a call for quotes. In addition to this website, you can access:

Tender submission

Tenders must be submitted electronically where instructed, at or before the closing time on the closing date. Late tenders will not be accepted.

Fake and fraudulent tenders (RFPs) and requests for quotation (RFQs) scams

Prospective suppliers are warned that fraudulent Requests for Proposals and Quotations are sent to suppliers using the Transnet name and logo from time to time.


Suppliers are advised to verify the authenticity of suspicious RFQs and orders by calling the respective Transnet Operating Division using the contact details listed below or on Transnet’s website prior to responding to any RFQs or orders.


Transnet will not be held liable for any delivery of goods for any fraudulent tenders or RFQs.

Fraudulent Tenders Fraudulent Tenders
Contact details for tender related matters per Operating Division:
Division Name Email Contact
Transnet Port Terminals Sindile Mxunyelwa 031 308 8389
Transnet Freight Rails Prudence Nkabinde 011 584 0821
Transnet Engineering Nompilo Dlamini 012 391 1374
Transnet National Ports Authority Kabelo Masemola 011 351 9109
Transnet Pipelines Mzwakhe Mhlongo 031 361 1019
Transnet Property Risben Khoza 011 308 1049
Transnet Corporate Centre Nomasomi Mgandela 011 308 2360

Sindile Mxunyelwa

031 308 8389

Prudence Nkabinde

011 584 0821

Nompilo Dlamini

012 391 1374

Kabelo Masemola

011 351 9109

Mzwakhe Mhlongo

031 361 1019

Risben Khoza

011 308 1049

Nomasomi Mgandela

011 308 2360